Caritas Freetown and Christ King Hospital Honor Spanish Doctors as Medical Mission Concludes on National Day of Spain


Freetown, October 12 . 2023 – Caritas Freetown, a humanitarian organization, and the dedicated medical staff at Christ King Hospital bid a heartfelt farewell to a team of doctors from Malaga, Spain, as their medical mission in Sierra Leone officially came to a close on Friday, October 13. Coinciding with this bittersweet moment was the celebration of the National Day of Spain, also known as the Día de la Hispanidad.

The team of Spanish doctors arrived in Sierra Leone earlier this month as part of a joint effort between Caritas Freetown and Christ King Hospital to provide much-needed medical assistance to underserved communities in the region. Over the course of their mission, the doctors worked tirelessly, treating patients, performing surgeries, and training local medical staff to enhance their skills and knowledge.

The farewell ceremony, held at Christ King Hospital, was filled with mixed emotions as representatives from Caritas Freetown and hospital staff expressed their gratitude to the Spanish doctors for their dedication, expertise, and selflessness. The doctors, in turn, shared their experiences and heartfelt appreciation for the warm reception they received from the Sierra Leonean community.

the team leader, spoke passionately about their mission, stating, “It has been an honor and privilege to serve the people of Sierra Leone alongside our incredible local colleagues. We have witnessed both the challenges and the resilience of this community, and we leave with a profound sense of fulfillment knowing that we have made a positive impact on so many lives.”

Caritas Freetown, a prominent non-governmental organization focused on poverty alleviation and humanitarian aid, expressed their deep appreciation for the collaboration with the Spanish doctors. Reverend Fr Peter A Konteh , Executive Director of Caritas Freetown, emphasized the significance of their partnership, saying, “The presence of the Spanish doctors has been transformative for our medical facilities and the communities we serve. Their expertise and compassion have brought hope and healing to those in need.”

As the farewell ceremony coincided with the National Day of Spain, the event took on an even more festive atmosphere. The National Day of Spain, celebrated annually on October 12, commemorates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas. It is a day that emphasizes the cultural heritage and unity of the Spanish-speaking world, often referred to as the Día de la Hispanidad.

With the conclusion of the medical mission and the joyous celebration of the National Day of Spain, this day marked a significant milestone for both Caritas Freetown and Christ King Hospital. The collaboration between the Spanish doctors and local medical professionals has not only improved the healthcare system in Sierra Leone but has also fostered a lasting bond between the two countries.

As the Spanish doctors bid farewell to the grateful community, their departure leaves a lasting legacy of compassion and solidarity. The impact of their work will continue to be felt long after their departure, serving as a reminder of the power of international cooperation in addressing global healthcare challenges.

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