Monkey Bush Youth and Young Women’s Group Hosted Jelena Zelenovic, United Nations Peace Building Fund Programs Manager


Youth and Young Women’s Group in Monkey Bush, one of the project’s targeted, communities in the Western Area Rural, hosted Jelena Zelenovic, Programs Manager at the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund.

The purpose of her visit was to meet with the youth, women’s groups, stakeholders, and community members to hear about the project’s impact and its contribution to peaceful social cohesion. She began by expressing gratitude to the community for their warm welcome.

Zelenovic highlighted that the UNPBF has been operating in Sierra Leone since 2008, collaborating with various NGOs including Caritas Sierra Leone and CRS. She emphasized her commitment to working with Caritas and CRS to promote peace and development in different communities in Sierra Leone.

She mentioned that she had come to visit to meet with the youth and women and hear their testimonies on how the project has positively impacted their lives in the community.

The meeting brought together stakeholders, representatives from the inter-religious council, the police, and various community youth groups in Monkey Bush. Community members provided testimonies about the project’s impact.

Mr. Idriss IT Kamara, who contested for a Member of Parliament under the APC, mentioned that before the project’s intervention, the Monkey Bush community was known for violence, especially before and after elections. People from different political parties viewed each other as enemies. He shared his story about reconciling with a friend from a different political party during a peace football match organized by Caritas Freetown and CRS under the Peacebuilding project.

Chief Alimmamy, the headman, noted that before the project intervention, the youth lacked respect for their elders. Since the project’s implementation, he has observed a positive change in their behavior, with the youth showing more respect to the elders and actively seeking their support for community activities.

Mr. Sesay, a community member, mentioned that due to his son’s participation in the Peaceful Masculinity program, his son has started taking on household responsibilities traditionally performed by women. Additionally, his son’s attitude towards women has transformed positively.

Mr Suliaman Bah from the inter-religious council said that they have been working in collaboration with Caritas and CRS to organize peaceful events over the years. Recently, the inter-religious council organized a project for peace at Kenema, Bo and Portloko. He further stated that the religious leaders have also been engaging youth and young women, and they are participating in the promotion of peace not only in politics but also in every form or kind of election. He stated that the main goal now is to sensitize the youth to abstain from violence after elections.

The visit provided a firsthand experience of the project’s achievements and demonstrated how the community members have taken ownership of it. Overall, the gathering facilitated meaningful dialogue and cooperation, strengthening the collective commitment to sustainable peacebuilding and social development.

After the meeting with the community people, Jelena Zelenovic also meets with CRS and Caritas Sierra Leone Freetown staff at CRS Head office to discuss relevant issues surrounding the project.

United Nations Peacebuilding

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