COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Implemented in The Western Area Urban and Rural District


The project “COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign implemented in the Western Area Urban and Rural District” objectives seek to improve access to Covid-19 vaccine across the regions in Sierra Leone. Also, to increase Covid-19 vaccine awareness and uptake at all levels and strengthen coordination of the COVID-19 vaccine program at national and district levels. Awareness raising and radio programs were also organized on the benefits and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Some of the key achievements of the project are as follows:

  • A total of 21 vaccination outreach engagements were carried out in 8 targeted communities which were; Susan’s Bay, KrooBay, Murray Town, Aberdeen, Wilberforce, Lumley, Culvert, Wellington, and Allen Town.
  • 2,445 People were successfully vaccinated of which 1,396 were Males, and 1049 Females in 8 communities and vaccination data recorded in the DHIS platform of the Ministry of health.
  • The vaccines administered during the vaccination process were: AstraZeneca with Batch No. 201594, Pfizer with Batch No. FJ8759, Sinopharm with Batch No. 2021061540, and Johnson and Johnson with Batch No. XE480.
  • Out of the 2,445 people vaccinated, 668 received people the Pfizer Vaccine, 597 people received Johnson &Johnson vaccine, 834 people received the AstraZeneca Vaccine, and the remaining 346 received the Sinopharm vaccine.
  • 1,900 people received their first doses, and 545people successfully received their second doses of the Covid vaccine.
  • From the total people vaccinated, 2,443 people were living without disability and a two people were living with disability.
  • The vaccination Outreach were successfully carried out at homes, Schools, Community Centers, Cinemas, Ataya bases, Garages, Market places, Tele centers, street junctions, Wharves, and some people were even vaccinated on the road.
  • The social mobilizers were able to sensitize 6,470 people, of which 3189 were Males and 3281 were Females in 9 (Susan’s Bay, Kroo Bay, Murray Town, Aberdeen, Wilberforce, Lumley, Culvert, Allen Town and Wellington) targeted communities through one-on-one engagements and the use of megaphone.
  • The key sensitization messages were based on the purpose of the vaccines, the essence of being vaccinated, the important of having a vaccination card, the referral pathway for any adverse effect following immunization, and strongly built trust on the safety of the different vaccines.
  • Through these sensitization engagements, the social mobilizers have been able to change the beliefs, perceptions, and pre-conceived thoughts of some of people engaged towards the Covid 19 vaccines. They also took away the fears of the people and resulted in an increased turnout for vaccines uptake in these target communities.

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