Contact Us

Caritas works in all regions of Sierra Leone

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. We are very friendly and always open to discussing new projects, interesting ideas, or opportunities to be part of our projects

Working Hours

Mon – Fri : 8:30 – 18:00
Sat - Sun : Closed

Our Office Address

19 Savage Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Office Phone Number

+232 76 722736
+232 78 175238


Please give to Caritas Sierra Leone generously. Your support makes our work possible.

Please give to Caritas Sierra Leone generously. Your support makes our work possible.

Executive Director

>> Rev. Fr. Peter Konteh
>> Address: No 19 Savage Street (adjacent St. Anthony’s Church), Freetown, Sierra Leone 
>> Tel: +232 78 175 238 
>> Email:

Legal Holder

>> Most Rev. Dr. Edward Tamba Charles Archbishop of Freetown
>> Address:  Santanno House, 10 Howe Street, 
P.O. Box 98, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
>> Tel: +232 22 224590
>> Email:

Get in touch with us!